Sunday, December 2, 2018

---Merrimac Valley poetry, All-Literation Nation and nearby----

Dec.3rd, 7pm, Methuen Public Library: Grey Court Poets
                (reading/tune-up group: bring 10 copies of your poem)

Dec.7th,  7pm , Battlegrounds Coffee, Haverhill MA: Haverhill River Bards
               Feature: Mary Buchinger, and open mic

Dec. 11th, 7pm, Cafe Azteca, Lawrence MA: Frost Hoot
          Feature: Dariana Guerrrero , and open mic
          Published poet and English teacher at Philips Academy, Andover, MA

Dec.16th, 10:30am, Merrimac(MA) Public Library,  Merrimac Mic
           (open mic)

Dec.19th, 6pm, Lawence Public Library, Fuerza!
           (open mic,  w/street beats)

-----(not confirmed in Dec)----- 7pm, No.Andover Public Library (Stevens Memorial), Tuesday4Poetry
    (open mic)

Dec. 15th, 6pm,    Zumi's Expresso/Cafe, Ipswich, MA
      (open mic)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

---Merrimac Valley poetry, All-Literation Nation and nearby----

Nov. 2nd, 7pm , Battlegrounds Coffee, Haverhill MA: Haverhill River Bards
    (feature Charles Coe , and open mic)

Nov. 5th, 7pm, Methuen Public Library: Grey Court Poets
           (reading/tune-up group: bring 10 copies of your poem)

Nov. 13th, 7pm, Cafe Azteca, Lawrence MA: Frost Hoot
         ( Feature: Jennifer Martelli , and open mic )
A fascinating interview with Jennifer:   RUMPUS_INTERVIEW

Nov.18th, 10:30am, Merrimac(MA) Public Library,  Merrimac Mic
    (open mic)

Nov. 21st, 6pm, Lawence Public Library, Fuerza!
     (open mic,  w/street beats)

Nov.27th, 7pm, No.Andover Public Library (Stevens Memorial), Tuesday4Poetry
    (open mic)


For more activities, check out the Merrimac Mic blog!


Like this blog, it is also easy to see on your smartphone
  and requires no sign-ups or downloads or upgrades....

And Nearby:

Nov.10th, 3pm, Newburyport Public Library: Powow Poets, Celebrating X.J. Kennedy

Beat Night at Portsmouth Book & Bar @ Portsmouth Book & Bar
Nov 15 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Nov. 17th, 6pm,     Zumi's Expresso/Cafe, Ipswich, MA
      (open mic)

Nov.27th, Amesbury Public Library,  6:00-7:30 pm 
   (feature Michael Casey., and Open Mic)

-----------------Rants, Raves and Features!-------------------------------------------------

Elizabeth Wolf (the Rattle award-winning gatekeeper at Merrimac Mic)
 is waxing enthusiastic abou Chris Warner's poetry workshop,
first Saturday of each month, 12 noon, 1 Water St., Haverhill,
    (the Center For Mindfulness).... in the River's Edge Building

Gayle Heney has Produced a "No Gas Poetry" video
    for local cable, and it is available  on YouTube as well!:
To Wit:


--------------------To Fall-------------------------------------------

it's fall again:
     don't miss this change, the show
the black and white is yet to be
     but what was green before
 must go

go now, and walk beneath the cobalt skies
...hear winds among
    the husks and leaves that rush and sigh

breath in the pumpkin-smell
       from this year's ground

the grace of bark and snow
     comes soon, that sleek
        and cushioned sound

----JK, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018


GREY COURT POETS :    October 1, 2018 , 7PM,
Nevins Library, 305 Broadway, Methuen MA 01844
Bring 12 copies of your poem for reading and review

Battle Grounds Coffee , 39 Washington St, Haverhill, MA
No feature: ALL OPEN MIC

---FROST POETRY HOOT:  October 9, 2018, 7pm
Cafe Azteca, 180 Common Street, Lawrence, MA
FEATURE:  Kendra Mack , followed by open mic
-----NOTE!   The contest is open! Ceck it out at:

----Fuerza!   10/17/2018 , about 6pm-8:30
Lawrence Public Library
All open mic, youth and adult,:  come and speak, or listen and enjoy

---TUESDAY4POETRY:  October 23, 2018, 7pm
Stevens Mem.Lib. 345 Main St, North Andover, MA
All Open Mic

---Frost Community Read, October 26, 2018,   7pm
Lawrence Public Library,   51 Lawrence St, Lawrence MA
Many featured readers and performers

----MERRIMAC MIC:  October 28, 2018, 10:30am
Merrimac Public Lib., 86 W Main St, Merrimac, MA
All Open Mic

-------------NEARBY  EVENTS------------

October 4th, 2018, Andover Public Library, 6:30pm
Linda Flaherty Haltmaier reads from
"To The Left Of The Sun"......
A reading, with cookies..

Powow River Poets Reading Series   -----SKIPS OCTOBER----
Newburyport Pub. Lib., 94 State St, Newburyport 
Readings with short open mic.

POETRY AT Zumi's:  October 20, 2018, 6 pm
Zumi's Espresso,  40 Market Street, Ipswich, MA
All Open Mic

October 25th, 2018 Andover Public Library, 7::00pm
Linda Flaherty Haltmaier: poetry workshop
The Activity Room

The poetry series and open mic at the Amesbury Public Library
 Tuesday, October 30 from 6-7:30 PM. 
Feature: Bangladesh Poet, Nausheen Eusuf.     plus open mic.
The Amesbury Public Library, 149 Main St.
                         For more information: or 978-388-9771

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

-------------SEPTEMBER 2018 IS BUSY!----------------------------------

September 2018 Events in and near the All-Literation Nation

GREY COURT POETS (share and comment on poems)
   (1week later due to holiday)

Haverhill River Bards, at Battle Grounds Coffee...

Feature: David Davis   Sept.7th , 7pm


FROST HOOT  (Feature:  Laureates Linda Flaherty Haltmaier, Mark Bohrer)
                             + (and open mic)
    Tuesday ,  SEPT. 11th , 7pm , at Cafe Azteca in Lawrence

MERRIMAC MIC (all open mic , partcipation trinket/prize!)
   SUNDAY , Sept 23rd , 10:30am , MERRIMAC(MA)  TOWN LIBRARY

(Not the usual: handover to New Poet Laureate...there is cake!)

-----------NEARBY  EVENTS-----------------------------------------
Sunday Sept.2nd ....
Sunday, September 2nd, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Winnekenni Castle, Castle Road at 347 Kenoza Avenue, Haverhill
.....wild animal kingdom....pony rides....petting zoo...

POWOW RIVER READINGS (Features: J.Najarian , C.Chandler )

Walnut St Cafe, Lynn:   Feat:  Blane Hebel
     Sept 12th, 7pm

Jabberwocky Bookstore, Newburyport, Paulette Turco Book Release
  Sept 14th , 7--8:30 pm

SAT, SEPT 15th,  2-5PM
Sculpture at Maudslay State Park, Newburyport, MA
   SAT , SEPT 15th , 6-8pm

"Soulmates":  Art/Poetry collaborative book release,
  September 22, 2PM   RSVP
Methuen Community TV Studio, 20 Aegean Dr, Unit 11 Methuen MA
(The weird > character is to stop events being smooshed together on some PCs..)

Thursday, August 16, 2018

-----------End Of August 2018, All-Literation Nation And Nearby---------------------

Poetry Open Mic  at Zumi's/Ipswich, Sat.,  August 18, 6pm
< >

Merrimac Mic Open Mic  at Merrimac Public Library, Sunday August 26, 10:30am
< >

Tuesday4Poetry Open Mic  at N.Andover Public Library, August 28, 6pm
< >

-----------September 2018, All-Literation Nation And Nearby---------------------

Grey Court Poets, at Methuen Public Library, Sept. 3, 7pm
< >

Powow River / C.Chandler + James Najarian, at Newburyport Library, Sept 8, 3pm
< >

Frost Hoot, at Cafe Azteca, Lawrence, Sept. 11, 7pm
    Featured: Laureates of Andover and North Andover....
< >

Poetry Open Mic  at Zumi's/Ipswich, Sat.,  Sept. 15, 6pm
< >

Merrimac Mic Open Mic  at Merrimac Public Library, Sunday Sept. 23, 10:30am
< >

Tuesday4Poetry Open Mic  at N.Andover Public Library, Sept 25, 6pm
< >

--------------------------Special events, Sept + Oct-------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Poets and Poetry Supporters,
I hope all is well w/ you an yours. I'm thinking poetry and the ekphrastic poetry book
featuring the Arts Institute Group of the Merrimack Valley and Grey Court Poets' comes to mind.
 I'm the co-editor with Barbara Prolman. I'd like to get on your calendar the Trails and Sails'
 event Art, Poetry and Reception for the book launch of
Soulmates @ Methuen Community TV, 20 Aegean Dr., Unit 11, Methuen, MA on Saturday,
 9/22/18 @ 2 pm. I hope you'll be able to join me and would encourage you to post B.
All the best,
Gayle Heney
< >

On October 17, 2018, four of us, recently published by Finishing Line Press, are being featured on a new author book night at Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord NH: Priscilla Turner Spada, Elizabeth Wolf, Paulette Demers Turco, and Sandra Thaxter. Please click on the link below and see what we are up to.
 We hope you can attend. It is a long ride to Concord, but we’ll have a great time.
Have a great day, Paulette

Thursday, June 28, 2018

---------July Poetry: All-Literation Nation and Nearby-------------------

In the  "Nation":

[First Monday], July  2nd,  7pm:  Grey Court Poets,
      :Metuen Public Library
                 (read/review your poem, bring 12 copies)

[2nd tuesday]   ----Frost Hoot is taking July and August off

[3rd  Wednesday] ---- Fuerza is taking july/aug/sept off least: stand by

 -----Haverhill River Bards:  I don't see any for July-------

[4th Sunday]  ----July 22, 2018
          10:30am--:  Merrimac Mic
             ----Merrimac, MA  Public Library (495N, Exit 52, ~2.6 mi, on R)

[4th Tues] ------ July 24th, 7pm: Tuesday4Poetry, performance-po + open-mic
             ----No.Andover Public Library


[3rd Sat]  July 21st , 2018
 Ipswich Poets at Zumis: open-mic
            ---Zumi's Expresso (+coffee+treats) 40 Market St, Ipswich

Powow River Poets Reading Series:
    looks like none in July or August, but they resume September 8th

----------------Announcements passed on from Isabell  VanMerlin---------------------------------------

Call for submission Persian Sugar in English Tea Volume III
The bilingual anthology of love poems
Deadline 7/3/18

I would like to invite my friends/poets who write their poems in English to submit 3-5 short poems (Max 25 lines) and/or 3-10 haiku or any other types of micro-poetry through the e-mail below. We are looking for love poems and going to choose up to three poems of each poet and translate it to Persian in a poetic way and the final anthology will be published bilingually. If a submission doesn’t follow the theme and instructions below, or contains erotica, violence, and profane language, it will be rejected immediately.
So if you are really interested in having your poems in one of the most beautiful languages around the world, please don’t exceed the deadline (July 3, 2018).

Rattle Persona Poems
Deadline 10/15/18

#62 – Spring 2019 – Persona Poems
Poetry: This issue will feature Persona Poems. The poems may be any subject, style, or length, but must be written in the voice of someone other than the poet. Most of our themes are identity-based, so we thought it would be fun to step outside of the autobiographical and write with the mask of other, whether that’s a person, animal, or inanimate object. A persona poem can be the height of imagination and empathy, and we wanted to pay tribute to the form. Please include a brief note about your use of persona along with your submission. If using Submittable, be sure to select the Persona Poems category.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

--------------til the end of June------------------------

Since my jibber-jabber about the Summer Quatrain
filled the top of the blog, and this being after the Hoot and the big
Hyla Brook event,   the events in the rest of June bear repeating:

----------------in the all-literation nation---------------------

-----------[3rd Wed],  June 20th, 6-7:45: Fuerza, all open mic
             ----at: Lawrence Public Library    51 Lawrence St.

[4th Sun], June 24th, 10:30am--:  Merrimac Mic
             ----Merrimac, MA  Public Library (495N, Exit 52, ~2.6 mi, on R)

[4th Tue], June 26th, 7pm: Tuesday4Poetry, performance-po + open-mic
             ----No.Andover Public Library

----------------Additional Nearby Events in June-----------------

[3rd Sat], June 16th, 6pm:  Ipswich Poets at Zumis: open-mic
            ---Zumi's Expresso (+coffee+treats) 40 Market St, Ipswich

ALSO:     I still need to get together with the Quatrain winners/contributers...
    .....get your free binoculars while there's still plenty of Summer!
    You can see me at Fuerza, Merrimac Mic, or Tuesday4Poetry, or
    mail to   to sett up a transfer somewhere...

-----------------------more end-of-june stuff...political!.....from Pilar Quintana:

Poems of Justice and Joy: a Pop-Up Event of Christ Church United

Peuo Tuy is a Cambodian-American spoken word poet, hip-hop artist, and writing instructor. She recently moved to Lowell, but travels
nationwide to share her poetry and stories and help people heal and overcome their personal challenges through writing and self-empowerment. Peuo believes that words evoke our spirits and that our spirits guide us to personal liberation. Author of “Khmer Girl”

Steven Riel writes poems originated by dreams, places, images, objects, ideas, feelings, words, artworks, memories, and “the
 stuff of queer existence.” He is the author of one full-length collection of poetry, as well as three chapbooks, the most recent being Postcard from P-town, which was published as runner-up for the inaugural Robin Becker Chapbook Prize. His poems have appeared in several anthologies and numerous periodicals. Author of “Fellow Odd Fellow”

Followed by Open Mic and Celebration
June 20, 7–9 pm
Upstairs at Worthen House Pub and Cafe
141 Worthen St. Lowell MA

Monday, June 11, 2018

----------All Aboard the 2018   All-Literation Quatro-Quatrain!!-----
Four Four-liners to add rich images to this lush Summer...

And don't forget...the last Frost Hoot til September is tomorrow,
Tuesday, June 12th, 7pm, at Cafe Azteca: Lawrence High, the Quatrain, Open Mic.


2018  All-Literation Quatro-Quatrain

No binoculars needed to trace
diaphanous spider’s silk from the
hummingbird feeder around starburst clematis
transparently bonding as your heart to mine
                                                                                  ("Optics",  Gayle C. Heney)
Without you, the bumblebee sputters over to the rhododendron,
Saturn slings in its orbit, and morning glories blink purple at twilight.
So rest here awhile, make a pillow from your jacket­,
Lean into the cool grass waiting to hold you.
                                                                                ("Nature Quatrain"~Linda Flaherty Haltmaier)
Balmy breezes breathe upon brazen beach.
as harried herons harpoon hapless seas.
Goosenecked grazing on verdant frogs, they breach.
Perched with no egrets in life up to knees.                 
                                                                                ("Summer Quatrain"---Steven Sohigian)
Even the unbending
mountains occasionally
cast their shadows
on clouds.                                                                (UNTITLED,  Pilar Quintana)

Contributers/Awardees will each receive a carefully restored pair of
  mid-20th Century binoculars, from a time of unusual optical talent,
   with crisp, colorful, lush views on
      this with crisp, colorful, lush Summer...

I can't stop smiling.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

------------------------All-Literation  "Nature Quatrain" contest!!----------

Know any nature-lovers? Are you one? Want to earn a nice
pair of binculars for the birds, deer, turkeys, squirrels, fishers, foxes, coyotes,
 gulls, eagles, drones, and other wildlife?

It's the All-Literation  "Nature Quatrain" contest!!
* Submit by email, to , by June 10, 2018
* Put Nature Quatrain in your email title...and your name after the poem..
* Poem to be:   4 lines , any style ,  a max. of 40 words
* Winners announced June 11th , 2018   (3 co-winners),
    shown in the blog
    and winners get to arrange pick-up of an excellent pair of
    restored mid-20th-century binoculars (cleaned/re-oiled  inside and out)
*Should arrange to pick out or pick up at one of the events below
        (before the event).    There will be no mailing of packages.'s just 4 lines ..... entry is free .... go for it! 

Don't forget to look below for our June 2018 events..

Sunday, May 27, 2018

---June 2018  All-Literation Nation (and nearby) Events--------------------

See below, and to see it again, just go to
If you would like to add an event, email it to

----------In the All-Literation Nation--------(frost/greys/mer.mic/fuerza/tuesday4/riverbards)

[First Monday], June 4th, 7pm:  Grey Court Poets,
                 (read/review your poem, bring 12 copies)

[2nd Tues], June 12th, 7pm: Frost Hoot,    Lawrence High School   +  open mic
             ----Cafe Azteca , 180 Common St Lawrence, MA
June 15th, 7pm, Haverhill River Bards,  River Bards
        Tom Wylie, Susan Waterman, Richard Smyth + open mic
         Battle Grounds Coffee
         39 Washington street, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01832

[3rd Wed],  June 20th, 6-7:45: Fuerza, all open mic
             ----at: Lawrence Public Library    51 Lawrence St.

[4th Sun], June 24th, 10:30am--:  Merrimac Mic
             ----Merrimac, MA  Public Library (495N, Exit 52, ~2.6 mi, on R)

[4th Tue], June 26th, 7pm: Tuesday4Poetry, performance-po + open-mic
             ----No.Andover Public Library

----------------Additional Nearby Events in June-----------------

June 2nd reading at Powow River Poets:

[3rd Sat], June 16th, 6pm:  Ipswich Poets at Zumis: open-mic
            ---Zumi's Expresso (+coffee+treats) 40 Market St, Ipswich

At the Frost Farm in Derry, NH:
      There will be a multi-day conference  Friday, June 15 through  June 17, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

-----BUT WAIT,  THERE'S MORE MAY AT All-Lteration Nation-------------

It was an amazing celebration.   Next year's could be even bettter,
   but the quantity and quality was works, it lives!

We have more at the member orgs in May though:

May  16th , at 6:30(plus) ...... Fuerza! at the Lawrence Public Library
               (had a good time....we wrote to 'prompts', workshop style)

May 20th, 10:30am   ------ Merrimac Mic ,,,,, Merrimac Mass Library

May 22nd,  7pm ......TUESDAY4POETRY ,,,,, North Andover Public Library


And May is still busy in places nearby the All-Literation Nation:

MAY 17,,,,,,,The Frost Hyla Brook Reading Series is kicking off!
     with David Davis:
     Thursday May 17, 2018 6:30pm - 8:00pm  
      Frost Farm, 122 Rockingham Rd, Derry  NH

MAY 19th  ...... Ipswich Poetry Open Mic,,,,at Zumi's, at 6pm

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

-------All-Literation Nation Spring 2018 Celebration------------------------

So much going on in My!

MassPo May 5th
Powows May 12th

Grey Courts the 7th
Frost Hoot (announcing Frost Prize Winners) the 8th
Fuerza the 16th
Tuesday4Poetry the 29th
Merrimac Mic the 20th (yes?)


      All-Literation Nation  Spring Poetry Celebration

Hosted at:

Merrimac Massachusetts Public Library , The Big Meeting Room
       86 W Main St, Merrimac, MA 01860  
          Saturday , May 12th , 2018

Schedule/Member Organizations:

2:00---2:15   Intro 

2:15---2:45   Fuerza    (Lawrence Public Library , 3rd Wednesdays , 6-8pm)

2:45---3:15   Tuesday4Poetry  (No.Andover Public Library, 4th Tuesdays, 7-9pm)

3:15---3:45   Merrimac Mic  (Merrimac/MA , 4th Sundays , 10:30 am and beyond)

3:45---4:15   Haverhill River Bards  (39 Washington St, Battle Grounds Cafe)

4:15---4:45   Grey Court Poets (Nevins Library, Methuen, 1st Mondays, 7-9pm)

4:45---5:15   Frost Foundation (2nd Tuesdays , Cafe Azteca , Lawrence MA)
                  (As many Robert Frost Poetry Award winners and runners 
                      as possible will read / be read!)

5:15---6:30   North Essex All-Literation Nation  Open Mic
                    (ANY  not featured prior: sign up!)

Friday, April 27, 2018

----------------FROST PRIZE ANNOUNCEMENT----------------------------------

Results of the 4-person, name-blind, double-read, outloud-tested
     judging are in!

Every submitted poem was quite  horrors, all worth the time.
      It was a very enriching experience to read them all!

The same person may have multiple winning poems:
             the poem is judged, not the poet.

2018 Frost Prize Winners

PRIZE  DOCKET#    Author , Poem

#1     [25]      Jerome Gagnon  ,      "Cherries, After" 
                    (Hayward, CA)

#2     [6]       Mark Wacome Stevick , "Cross Our Hearts"
                    (Salem  MA)

#3     [10]      Jeffry Glover ,        "Raspberries"
                    (Stoughton  WI)


Runners Up

[32]     Arne Weingart,          "Poet Descending a Staircase"
             (Chicago IL)

[34]     Linda Flaherty Haltmaier,    "Terra Incognita"
             (Andover MA)

[9]      Kendra Mack,           "Walking The Beach on an August Evening"
             (Ipswich MA)

[20]     Jean L. Kreilling,     "Remember Allerton"
             (Bridgewater MA)

[30]     Robert Smith,          "Subtext"
              (Huron OH)

[31]     Anne Weingart,         "Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs"
             (Chicago IL)

[21]     Jean L. Kreilling,     "The Palette"
            (Bridgewater MA)

Thanks to everyone!
Prizes and reading options will follow via email....


Thursday, March 29, 2018

----April 2018  No.Essex All-Literation Nation (and nearby) Events--------------------

----------In the All-Literation Nation--------

[First Monday], April 2nd, 7pm:  Grey Court Poets,
                 (read/review your poem, bring 12 copies)
             ----Nevins Library, Methuen, MA

April 6th, 7pm, Haverhill River Bards, Feature: Chris O'Carroll + open mic
         Battle Grounds Coffee
         39 Washington street, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01832

[2nd Tues], April 10th, 7pm: Frost Hoot, Tim Cremin + Helena Minton, open mic
             ----Cafe Azteca , 180 Common St Lawrence, MA

[3rd Wed],  April 18th, 6-7:45: Fuerza, all open mic
             ----Lawrence Public Library

[4th Sun], April 22nd, 10:30am--:  Merrimac Mic
             ----Merrimac, MA  Public Library (495N, Exit 52, ~2.6 mi, on R)

[4th Tue], April 24th, 7pm: Tuesday4Poetry, performance-po + open-mic
             ----No.Andover Public Library

---------------------And Nearby----------------------------------

April 14th, 3pm:  Powow River Poets, readings + open-mic
             Juan Matos and Rhina P. Espaillat
              ---Newburyport Public Lib, 94 State Street

[3rd Sat], April 21st, 6pm:  Ipswich Poets at Zumis: open-mic
            ---Zumi's Expresso (+coffee+treats) 40 Market St, Ipswich

----------------Additional Special Events in April-----------------

Local visitor Pilar Quintana will be in a special reading
   with other poets: Mass Poetry and the Montserrat College of Art,
Spring Showers Event, Saturday April 7th from 12:00-2:00 pm
at the Prudential Center in Boston,
in the Belvidere Arcade across from the Post Office.
Open Mic after..

Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover,
  Stevens Memorial Library Celebrates Poetry month
  with a Performance Poetry Program on Sunday, 4/8 @ 2pm.
      Join North Andover Poets Laureate, Nadine & Ken Delano

Poetry Reading  (Linda Flaherty Haltmaier)
Thursday, April 12th at 6:30
The Andover Book Store, Main St. (next to CVS now)

-----------Tim Cremin on TV!------------------

The Way You Run in Dreams and yourself will be featured in the April 2018 episode of Write Now. It will air in Haverhill, MA on Tuesdays @ 8 p.m., and Wednesdays @ 7 a.m.11 a.m., and 4 p.m. You may watch it at those times from your computer through the "Watch Live" option on Haverhill Community TV's website. When the dates/times become available for the other 3 markets, I'll send you an email. Sometime in May, it should be on my subsection of the HCTV website. I'll send you the link when it's up.
I previewed the episode and was very pleased with the interview. You were thoughtful, as always, and gave positive advice to others wishing to publish. Congrats on publishing your first poetry book!
  (From Gayle Heney)


• “A Light Night of Verse” — 7 p.m. April 5 at BareWolf Brewery, 12 Oakland St., Amesbury;

• “A Light Night of Verse” — 6 p.m. April 18 at Silvaticus Brewery, 9 Water St., Amesbury

• “Whittier Through the Years” — 2 p.m. April 22 at Friends Meeting House, 120 Friends St., Amesbury

• “Amesbury Public Library Poetry Series,” featuring Paulette Demers Turco — 6 p.m. April 24 at Amesbury Public Library, 149 Main St.

Monday, March 19, 2018

----END OF MARCH 2018 REMINDERS---------------

Worked out and tuned up with the Grey courts on the 5th..

I had a great visit to the nearby Ipswich/Zumi's event this past Saturday...
    I don't often get the chance..lots of ice-cream, coffee, cozy setting,
      and social awareness..

Things have moved here and there, so here are some reminders for the
     end of March 2018 doings in the N.Essex All-Literation Nation Zone:

The Frost Foundation Hoot is at: MARCH 20th , 7pm , CAFE AZTECA , 7PM
          ---traditional feature:  Andover High School
                (looks like the storms will finally miss us)
Fuerza is at:  MARCH 21st, 6PM(+) , Lawrence Public Library
              ----'speak your truth' open mic

Haverhill River Bards is at:  March 23rd , 7pm,
       Battle Grounds Coffee Company (39 Washington St.),
       ----feature :  Jessie Brown

Merrimac Mic, MARCH 25th , 10:30am
         ---Merrimac Public Library

Tuesday4Poetry, MARCH 27th, 7pm (come early to sign in)
         ----North Andover Public Library
             ---host performance + open mic.


working on your writer's block?

Poetry Writing Workshop
Thursday, March 22nd 6:30-7:30
Memorial Hall Library, Andover

Linda Flaherty Haltmaier, Andover’s Poet Laureate, will lead a poetry workshop in celebration of the upcoming National Poetry Month. She’ll explore different techniques to create poems so that all participants will leave with a completed poem or two. Come join the fun! Poetry is for everyone–beginner and advanced writers welcome. Register online or by calling 978-623-8430—or just show up, it’s a huge room! 


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

-----MARCH 2018 Nort Essex All-Literation Nation Events  (NEALN)

------------------in the 'Nation'-----------------------

[1st Mon.], March 5, 7pm: Grey Court Poets, poetry workshop
             ----Methuen Public Library

[2nd Tues], March 13, 7pm: Frost Hoot, Andover-HS + open mic
             ----Cafe Azteca , 180 Common St Lawrence, MA

[3rd Wed], March 21, 6-7:45: Fuerza, all open mic
             ----Lawrence Public Library

 March 23rd,, 7pm:    Haverhill River Bards, Jessie Brown + open-mic
            -----Battle Grounds Coffee, 39 Washington St, Haverhill

[4th Sun], March 25, 10:30:  Merrimac Mic
             ----Merrimac, MA  Public Library

[4th Tue], March 27, 7pm: Tuesday4Poetry, perform-po + open-mic
             ----No.Andover Public Library

-----------Nearby Poetry Events------------------------

(2018 schedule on odd dates)
 (March 3rd)....not  , 3pm:  Powow River Poets, readings + open-mic
-----------------------NOTE: this has been moved to April 14th------------------

             Juan Matos and Rhina P. Espaillat
            ---Newburyport Public Lib, 94 State Street

[3rd Sat], March 17, 6pm:  Ipswich Poets at Zumis: open-mic
            ---Zumi's Expresso (+coffee+treats) 40 Market St, Ipswich

Ahs.....we have some evening activity in Andover now!

Poetry Writing Workshop
Thursday, March 22nd 6:30-7:30
Memorial Hall Library, Andover

------------Awesome Nearby Arts, etc-----------------------------------

-------The Massive Peabody Essex Museum (PEM)
         has a massive Georgia O'Keefe Exhibit now....
         her art, clothing, even furniture... 
       East India Square, 161 Essex Street, Salem, MA
        Ends April 1.....hurry on in. 
         And also:  "Playtime" , "XYZT" , "MegaCity"(RE:India),
             and more exquisite Chinese and Native American art...
        You could easily spend the day...more space than most NYC museums,
         and thus, more to see!

-----The Addison Art Gallery   has some great modern abstract and the usual
      rotating stock of classic paintings.... awesome local treasure
         (180 Main St, Andover)
        Wonderful place to contemplate and be inspired...

Monday, January 29, 2018


Had a great January!   I got to bring the frog clickers to Fuerza (dry weather beat applause),
     and Isabell got an awesome PA system for the MAY ALL-LIT exent! The hoot went well
   and I got a great report on how the Powow reding went.
  Don't forget to check out the Frost Prize at:
 Winners will be bally-hoo'd at the May 12th festival , among other features!
------------ the FEB schedule:

GREY COURT POETS (share and comment on poems)

FROST HOOT  (Feature:  J.D. SCRIMGEOUR) + (and open mic)
    Tuesday ,  FEB 13th , 7pm , at Cafe Azteca in Lawrence 

FUERZA (all open mic, genl.po and city beats)
   WEDNESDAY , FEB 21st , 6:30 (or a bit beyond) , LAWRENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY

MERRIMAC MIC (all open mic , partcipation trinket/prize!)

TUESDAY4POETRY (open mic ,  performance po. accents!)

HAVERHILL RIVER BARDS  (they have Feb off)

-----------NEARBY FRIENDS' EVENTS-----------------------------------------

   SAT , FEB 17th , 6-8pm

POWOW RIVER READINGS (2 features, 10-person-limit open mic)

AMESBURY:   (can't find po events at Amesbury Library site:
                 can someone send info to ?)


I just got the arwork for the Facebook page from Jessica....looks nice!

Monday, January 15, 2018


---The Friost Hoot this past tuesday was fun....
    Grey Court Poets were the feature, and there was still time for the open mic.
    There were a few tribtes to Mark Schorr,.
    I shoulda taken more notes.....Tom Wylie sets a good example as correspondent..

I have a report on Saturday's Powow reading from Tom Wylie, who also
   popped up for the first time at the Frost Hoot....
Due to the freezing water forecast, I chickened out, but Tom made it:

---- Tom says:---------------------------------------------------------------
Funny man poet Chris O'Carrroll  enthralled us with a dozen 
or more poems of an eclectic nature.  But all very funny!! 
 He began  with "again today," a sad yet humorous vignette about 
his mother's dementia, and his dealing with her complete inability to
 recognize him "again."  Then on to "Burn this Poem," 
"My Pussy Hat," "Father Willy," and a series of one liners in
 "Resolutions," on how to prepare himself for 2018.
   Really, a very poetic and entertaining reading.

And, he will be guest poet for the Haverhill River Bards on Friday, April 6th

David Davis, Poet in Residence at the Joppa Flats Audubon 
Center, read all of his short poems in his recently published 
"Joy Poems," after telling us it takes 18 minutes to read the book. 
 But each was slowly and beautifully delivered as he described his main
 companion, "Joy," as she accompanied him on his daily activities with 
a constant reminder to allow each day to have 5 full minutes of joy.
  Not 4:40, or 2:39, but a full 5 minutes.  Each short poem was 
in some small way connected to this goal, and part of his 20 year struggle 
with living and being treated for prostrate cancer. 
 Davis has a warm and inviting reading voice that filled the 
room with poetic enjoyment.

Thanks, Tom!

A reminder:

    The Robert Frost Poetry Prize is still in play, with a deadline of March 15, 2018.
   details are all here:

Thursday, January 4, 2018

----January 2018 Poetry Events in and near N. Essex All-Literation Nation-----------

---------------"In The Nation"-------------------

January 9, 7pm , Cafe Azteca, in Lawrence MA:   
 Frost Hoot
   ---Feature: the Grey Court Poets  --and-- an open mic

January 17, 6pm(things start a little later) Lawrence Public Library:
     ---All open mic , multi-lingual multi-style

January 23, 7pm , North Andover Public Library: 
    ----Open Mic , with performance poetry breaks

January 28, 10:30am , (town of)Merrimac Public Library:
    Merrimac Mic 
    ----Usually all open mic


Jan.13, 3pm , Newburyport Public Lib:
    Powow River Poets
    Features: C.O'Carrol + D.Davis
     Open-mic .... 10-person limit.
